If you're looking to develop your online presence and attract new patients to your practice or clinic, you need be involved with the brand new aesthetic-focused website Etre Vous.
Etre Vous was developed by Raffi Eghiayan, Director of Marketing & Business Development at Wigmore Medical, and the idea behind it was to allow future patients/customers to find you. The website is designed to educate the patient, allow them to research treatments, source practitioners and also to book in should they like what they see. The benefits to the aesthetic professional signing up for EV are many.
Firstly, its free to register and you can set up an individual profile and also a clinic profile if you have one. The two can be linked and it allows you to showcase your treatments, skills and services in an easy-to-navigate website.
You can use the platform to manage your diary by inputting your availability and blocking out times you don't wish to take online bookings. You can even oversee numerous diaries in one clinic which allows patients to book in with different medical practitioners as well as therapists easily and quickly. For instance, never miss out on treating patients just because the clinic is closed in the evening when your potential new patients have time to research online. Using the online booking system, patients can check availability and book in even when your actual clinic is closed for the day. Wake up to a busy diary!
Since Covid-19 we have all had to change the way we do things, and one benefit to this new way of working is that practitioners and patients are much more likely to want to use Virtual Video Consultations as a way of carrying out a consultation at leisure and also without all the extra PPE. EV has created the industry's only custom-built end-to-end platform that allows you to conduct remote consultations over video, confident that everything is encrypted and safe. You can use this feature for first or ongoing consultations, and your team can use it to carry out skincare consultations before sending out products to patients. What's more, the system sets up alarms to remind both you and the patient when the consultation is due to start and end, ensuring you never over-run, before providing you with a transcript of each call.
Setting up a free profile is quick and easy and you have complete control over this even once it's uploaded The template allows you to sit down and create your profile in as little as ten minutes, at any time of the day or night so it fits in with even the most hectic of schedules. You can highlight areas of expertise and reach new patients and industry peers.
EV also offers content-rich articles for patients to read and this editorial aspect gives you the opportunity to be invited to provide soundbites or opinions . For instance, one of the most popular articles currently is this timely article on keeping your skin glowing despite having to wear masks.
With just a 50p handling fee for repeat bookings made through this platform, you can be sure this is a cost-effective and fast way of getting new patients and keeping your diary full.
For further information and assistance with signing up contact me, Vanessa at aestheticconsultant@icloud.com or visit their website www.etrevous.com and register as an expert.
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