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Writer's pictureVanessa Bird

Newsletters Tell, eBlasts Sell

Introducing a brand new service by The Aesthetic Consultant. The Newsletter and eBlast Copywriting Package. Want to know more? Read on.....

How Newsletters & eBlasts Benefit Your Business.

How often do you send out newsletters to new and existing patients? Once a quarter? Once a month? Never? What about eBlasts, a fast way of sending targeted information to key groups of patients? I thought so. You are super-busy running your clinic, overseeing staffing, treating patients and juggling everything else that’s associated with keeping your business afloat, and yet Newsletters and eBlasts are such simple ways of building patient loyalty and driving sales. The Aesthetic Consultant provides an affordable newsletter/eBlast copywriting service tailored to your requirements which means you can benefit your business, generate sales & grow patient loyalty whilst you focus on your day job.

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The Aesthetic Consultant Newsletter and eBlast Copywriting Package

Newsletters Tell: The Benefits of A Monthly Newsletter.

Putting together a monthly newsletter is a simple, cost-effective and powerful way to develop your relationship with new, existing and ‘former’ patients at your clinic. People appreciate feeling valued and enjoy doing business with brands and people they like. They may already follow you on social media or see you in clinic, but receiving a regular newsletter with informative, helpful and targeted information is the perfect way to build brand loyalty and trust.

Covering one or two aesthetic trends for face and body each month is all that’s needed. Why not explain the benefits of in-clinic treatments, discuss celebrity trends, offer advice on home care or lifestyle changes and make your patients know you have their best interests at heart? Encourage patients to book in for a consultation or course of treatments by adding value with a taster session, a free skincare sample or even a special package deal? Update them on any new treatments and clinic developments such as new team members or upcoming open events. Make them feel they are part of your brand and valued and the newsletter will generate more enquiries that convert to consultations and sales.

eBlasts Sell: The Value in ‘Limited Time Only’ Offers.

How are eBlasts different? eBlasts are a great way of focusing on a particular treatment or skincare product you want to promote with a ‘limited time only’ ‘first-come-first-served’ offer. They can also advertise last-minute appointments and are a great way of quickly filling the diary if you find you have some quiet days. A quick email once or twice a month with a strong ‘call-to-action’ (an offer/free sample/limited number deal) sent out to targeted patients means you benefit by generating more sales and filling up the diary when it may have remained empty. Maximise those last-minute sales quickly and effortlessly with short, sharp eBlasts.

The Aesthetic Consultant Newsletter & eBlast Copywriting Package provides you with one personalised Newsletter and two eBlast promotions each month so you don’t have to worry about finding the time or the content yourself. With over a decade of sales experience in Aesthetic Medicine, Vanessa will help you generate more revenue by providing effective content that educates and engages your patients and drives sales. For a small monthly investment you can benefit from a bespoke package that can help grow your aesthetic business and build brand loyalty.

If you would like to benefit from The Aesthetic Consultant Newsletter & eBlast Copywriting Package, send an email to to receive more in-depth information.

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